Show and Tell 2: The Government of the Han Dynasty

The social structure of the Han Dynasty was vast and complicated, even among the top. Obviously, the emperor was the absolute top. He was considered to be between heaven and earth as he had the Mandate of Heaven. There was a huge separation between him and everyone else, shown through the palace he lived in,… Continue reading Show and Tell 2: The Government of the Han Dynasty

Show and Tell 1: The Use of Music in the Zhou Dynasty

Music in China began with a legend of a man named Ling-lun who blew through the bamboo, creating music. Using the sounds of two other birds near him, Ling-lun created a chromatic scale. By the Zhou dynasty, music had become much more important, thanks in no small part to Confucius considering music to promote harmony… Continue reading Show and Tell 1: The Use of Music in the Zhou Dynasty

Weekly Progress Report: Week 1

For this course, I watched a documentary called “Chinese Heroes, Kings and Destroyers” and read the introduction of Pre-Industrial Societies: Anatomy of the Pre-Modern World. The documentary covers ancient Chinese myths that have been passed down to this day. These include Nu-Gua who is pictured above, Fu-Xi, and the Great Sage Kings. While these characters… Continue reading Weekly Progress Report: Week 1
